If you are an individual who is experiencing pain or fatigue, and wishes for a non-invasive treatment alternative, then our experienced team can design an individualised treatment plan to cater for your unique needs, and goals. Rakhee Mediratta offers her patients a wealth of experience ( over thirteen years to be exact!) whilst acting as a qualified osteopath and a highly experienced Perrin practitioner.

Are you suffering from ‘ME’ or chronic pain? Then you may wish to book a consultation at our clinic
Located on our modern and easily accessible clinic website we offer our potential patients a wide range of contact information, we not only provide our direct contact number, but we also offer a chat system where you can contact us directly with was and even an online enquiry form.
Did you know?
In addition to offering our patients the Perrin Technique in London we also offer all of our potential clients a free initial consultation. During this free-of-charge, online assessment we simply require our patients to give us a few snippets of information, we will then email you a health assessment within the space of minutes!
What to expect from a free online assessment at our Rakhee Osteopathy clinic within London
Whether you are searching for the Perrin Technique in London, or any of our other treatment options, we always offer our patients a quick online assessment. During this assessment our friendly and qualified professionals will discuss the symptoms you are experiencing, the primary goal of the treatment you wish to pursue, and lastly the duration that you have experienced these symptoms.
A clinic in which you can place your trust
Within our field of work we understand that our patients are searching for a professional who is not only fully qualified to carry out the treatment, but who also has a wealth of knowledge within their registered field. Located on our website we provide a multitude of previous patient reviews, which we believe exemplify the high standard of work we offer. Just one example of our many positive testimonials is a patient who has been suffering from ME, chronic fatigue symptoms, for over twenty years. After paying a visit to our experienced osteopath the patient states that Rakhee is a brilliant practitioner, who has placed them in a position to start work again, after a course of treatment.
The treatments on offer at our clinic
At our clinic we offer our patients over ten years’ worth of experience within the following treatments; general aches and pains, joint pain, disc injuries, muscle spasms, shoulder pain, elbow pain, minor sporting injuries or tensions, poor circulation, digestion issues and concerns, and lastly post-viral fatigue, as well as many more.
Getting to know Rakhee Mediratta
At our clinic we understand how important it can be to receive treatment from an experienced professional you can trust, which is why we only offer the best to our patients. Rakhee not only uses a non-invasive treatment, however she also offers personalised treatment plans within the walls of her clinic.