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Perrin Technique

The Perrin Technique for CFS / ME

The Perrin Technique London ~ The Perrin Technique Buckinghamshire - The Perrin Technique Hertfordshire 

What is the Perrin Technique? 

The Perrin Technique™ is a hands-on approach that assists in the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ME/CFS. This technique was pioneered in 1989 by renowned British osteopath and neuroscientist Dr Raymond Perrin DO Ph.D.

The Perrin Technique is based on Dr Perrin’s theory that different stress factors whether that be physical (through postural problems or injury), infectious (bacterial or viral), environmental (exposure to toxins or allergies), emotional stress (work or family) or more usually a combination of these which leads to an overload on the sympathetic nervous system. This in turn results in a build-up of toxins in the fluid around the brain and spinal cord. These toxins are supposed to drain down the spinal cord and into the lymphatic system where they leave our bodies via the liver but in people with CFS / ME and similar conditions the drainage points into the lymphatic system are blocked leading to the build-up of congested toxins. This accumulation of toxins can irritate the brain, spinal cord and surrounding tissues contributing to the wide ranges of symptoms associated with CFS / ME.

According to Dr Perrin, ME/CFS results from a build-up of inflammatory chemicals and other toxic substances in the brain and spinal cord. This leads to malfunctioning of the sympathetic nervous system, which is a part of the body's autonomic nervous system that manages all automatic body functions. Known for its role in our 'Fight or Flight' responses during danger or stress, the sympathetic nervous system also regulates blood flow and the standard functioning of all body organs such as the heart, kidney and bowel. It is essential for healthy lymphatic drainage. In ME/CFS patients, the sympathetic nervous system has undergone stress for many years before the symptoms become apparent. This stress could be physical due to postural strain or an old injury, emotional, environmental such as pollution, or due to stress on the immune system because of infection or allergy.

Dr Perrin proposed that a final trigger factor, typically a viral infection, leads to a collapse of the sympathetic nervous system’s control of lymphatic drainage, causing a reversal of the flow of toxins towards the brain and spinal cord. This leads to further dysfunction of the central nervous system, causing a further back flow of toxins and continued disruption of normal bodily functions, resulting in ME/CFS. However, the final trigger may not necessarily be an infection but could be a physical, emotional, or chemical trauma. Every patient has a different toxicity level and type, and with over 100 Billion neurons (nerve cells) in the brain, it is no surprise that each ME/CFS patient presents with different symptoms, adding to the confusion in the medical field.

the perrin technique london
the perrin technique harley street
perrin techinqiue for ME
perrin technique in London

Diagnosing CFS/ME using The Perrin Technique™

Dr Perrin’s research has revealed that the disruption of the neuro-lymphatic flow

and the sympathetic nervous system gives rise to physical symptoms common in

ME/CFS patients. ME/CFS is essentially a bio-mechanical disorder that presents

identifiable physical signs including:


• Abnormal spinal posture


• Varicose enlarged lymph vessels


• Specific tender points associated with sympathetic nerve disturbance and

lymphatic fluid back flow


• Disruption in cranial rhythm - The fluid drainage from the brain to the lymphatics occurs rhythmically, a rhythm that can be detected using cranial osteopathic techniques. A skilled practitioner can identify a disruption in the cranial rhythm in ME/CFS patients.


By recognising these common signs in all ME/CFS patients, Dr. Perrin has created

a physical examination that assists in making a definitive diagnosis. The diagnostic

signs of The Perrin Technique™ have undergone testing and have been backed bythe rigour of an NHS-controlled trial, the results of which were published in the

British Medical Journal (BMJ Open) in November 2017.


‘The Perrin Technique: How To Diagnose And Treat CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia via the lymphatic drainage of the brain.’

Here at the clinic we are very excited for the release of Dr Ray Perrin’s new book ‘The Perrin Technique: How To Diagnose And Treat CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia via the lymphatic drainage of the brain.’


Rakhee's review is even on the cover! The second edition of Dr Ray Perrin’s book is not solely about The Perrin Technique Treatment itself but also many other treatments, recommendations and lifestyle factors for an overall approach to recovery from CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia.


Dr Raymond Perrin’s book is available to purchase on Amazon. 

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Rakhee has assisted Dr Raymond Perrin on a 3 day Lymphatics masterclass in Hamburg, Germany in March 2023.


Awarded Twice for Excellence in the Perrin Technique by Dr Raymond Perrin

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How does the Perrin Technique treatment work? 

The Perrin Technique™ is an osteopathic method of treatment for ME/CFS that involves manually stimulating the movement of fluid around the brain and spinal cord. This is achieved through a combination of specialized osteopathic techniques and manual neuro lymphatic drainage techniques developed by Dr. Raymond Perrin, which assists in removing toxins from the cerebrospinal fluid.


The method incorporates cranial and spinal techniques along with massages of the soft tissues in the head, neck, back, and chest. Gentle lymphatic drainage techniques are also used to direct toxins out of the lymphatic  system and into the bloodstream for detoxification in the liver.


As the toxins are removed, the brain is no longer affected by them, enabling the sympathetic nervous system to function properly. If the patient takes care to avoid overexertion and pace themselves, their symptoms should begin to lessen over time. In some cases, patients may even become completely free of symptoms.


Studies conducted over the past three decades have confirmed the theories put forth by Dr. Perrin. The results of the initial research can  be found in the following peer reviewed papers.


1. Perrin R,N. 1993 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a review from the

biomechanical perspective. British Osteopathic Journal; vol xi. 


See paper here


2. Perrin RN, Edwards J and Hartley P (January/February 1998) An

evaluation of the effectiveness of osteopathic treatment on symptoms

associated with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. A preliminary report.

Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology , 22(1), 1-13. 


See paper here


3. Perrin RN. Lymphatic Drainage of the Neuraxis in Chronic Fatigue

Syndrome: A Hypothetical Model for the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse.

Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, 107(06), 218-224. 2007 


See paper here

By identifying the common signs in all ME/CFS sufferers, Dr. Perrin has devised a physical examination that results in aid to a definitive diagnosis. The diagnostic signs of The Perrin Technique have been tested and supported by the rigor of an NHS-controlled trial, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ Open) in November 2017.


What is Chronic Fatigue and the effect it has on the body?>>


lyme disease treatment
treatment for ME

What will happen during the consultation? 

• Prior to your initial consultation we will ask you to complete a comprehensive online form which we will then discuss during the appointment.

• The initial consultation is 90 minutes long and involves taking a full case history where we will discuss how your condition impacts you and affects your life.

• A full physical examination will be completed and then a diagnosis can be given for your condition.

• We will discuss how the treatment works, the research that supports this treatment approach as well as a prognosis and an out-line for the tailored follow up treatment plan to improve your quality of life and support you during the recovery process.

• You may want to bring a chaperone (partner or friend) with you to your first appointment because we need to examine the spinal and breast tissue to provide an accurate assessment.

• We will also require you to sign a consent form to allow us to proceed with this in a professional manner.

• Please note that there is no treatment provided in the initial consultation for The Perrin Technique.The initial consultation includes the consultation, examination and diagnosis. If your practitioner advises that The Perrin Technique is suitable for you following your initial consultation, the treatment will commence from the second appointment.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What our patients say

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Rakhee has helped over 5,000+ patients in 17 years

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Suffering with Chronic Fatigue?

Book a
FREE 15 minute discovery call with our Perrin Technique advisor Sophie.

Discuss how we can help you, learn about the treatments and answer any questions you may have. 

Before our call let us know about you in less than 5 minutes

  • Primary goal of treatment

  • Main symptoms

  • How long you have experienced these symptoms

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Chalfont Wellness

Rakhee Mediratta

Chenies Parade, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, HP7 9FG

For appointments with Rakhee and Khush

the perrn technique harley street

The London Neurology and Pain clinic
Rakhee Mediratta

4th Floor, Room 1, 100 Harley St, Marylebone, London W1G 7JA

For appointments with Rakhee


Rakhee Mediratta

8 Golden Square, London, W1F 9HY

For appointments with, Khush and Nadia


Stanmore Wellness Centre
Rakhee Mediratta

15-19 Church Road,

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