Rakhee Mediratta
Central & West London ~ Chalfont

Rakhee has helped over 5,000+ patients in 17 years
Registered Osteopath & Advanced Licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner in London & South East England
for Chronic Fatigue/ME & Fibromyalgia
I have been suffering from M.E/Chronic fatigue syndrome for over 20 years. I have been having the Perrin Technique with Rakhee for 18 months now. I am much better and able to start work again! Thank you to Rakhee, a brilliant Practitioner.
- Testimonial by CFS/ME Patient -
Osteopath in Chalfont
About Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy
At Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy, we provide first class treatments and services for Chalfont and the surrounding areas of Buckinghamshire in a friendly and welcoming clinic. Our osteopaths are highly qualified with more than 13 years’ experience at the most respected, successful and in demand clinics in London, using a combination of Classical Osteopathy, The Perrin Technique and Craniosacral therapy. Our osteopaths use these treatment approaches either individually or in combination to treat a wide variety of conditions from customary musculoskeletal complaints like back and neck pain, sports injuries and work related injuries to more complex conditions resulting from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS) also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis(ME) and Fibromyalgia. This combination of high quality treatments alongside a personalised and individual treatment plan provides patients with relief from their symptoms and helps them return to a full and healthy life.
We provide relief from:
- General aches & pains, including Fibromyalgia pain
- Joint pain including arthritis pain
- Pelvis, hip, knee pain
- General, acute & chronic back pain
- Neck pain, headaches & migraine prevention
- Neuralgia including sciatica
- Shoulder or elbow pain
- Hyper-mobility symptoms
- Including frozen shoulder & tennis elbow
- Muscle spasms
- Minor sporting injuries & tensions
- Disc injuries
- Tension & inability to relax
- Poor circulation
- Rheumatism
- Digestion issues
​- Brain fog
- Cognitive dysfunction
- Post-viral fatigue
- Chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS)/ ME using the perrin technique
Over 14+ years of experience treating patients
Osteopath Treatments Offered at Chalfont Clinics
All osteopaths are registered by law with the General Osteopathic Council (GOSC) to practice in the UK, trained with Dr Ray Perrin in The Perrin Technique and are members of The Institute of Osteopathy.

Our experts at the clinic are all fully qualified in traditional osteopathy, a non-invasive manual hands-on treatment which assess and treats a wide variety of ailments and injuries of the musculoskeletal system such as; general aches and pains, joint pains including arthritis, shoulder pain and frozen shoulder, knee, hip and pelvis pain, sporting injuries, disc injuries and muscle spasms. Various techniques are used to detect and correct these complaints such as joint mobilisations, manipulation, gentle traction, connective tissue, muscle stretching and myofascial release. The aim is to restore balance in the body to prevent any future injury or complaints.

The Perrin Technique in Chalfont
The Perrin Technique is a specialist technique developed by Dr Ray Perrin more than 30 years ago. The Perrin Technique is based on Dr Perrin’s theory that varying stress factors whether that be infectious (bacterial or viral), physical (through postural problems or injury), emotional stress (work or family), environmental (exposure to toxins or allergies), or more usually a combination of all of these lead to an overload on the sympathetic nervous system. This overload results in a build-up of congested toxins contributing to the wide range of symptoms we see in ME/CFS and associated chronic conditions. The Perrin Technique treatment works by manually draining these toxins via the lymphatic system towards the liver where they are excreted out of the body. Overtime, patients gradually improve whilst many return to full health and become symptom free.

Craniosacral Therapy in Chalfont
Craniosacral Therapy assesses and treats a regular rhythm which is found between the bones of the human skull (the cranium). Often this rhythm is restricted due to poor lymphatic drainage surrounding the brain which can lead to a wide variety of symptoms such as headaches, migraines, cognitive dysfunction, insomnia, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, tinnitus and neuro-psychiatric and behavioural conditions such as anxiety, depression, autism and hyper-reactivity. Craniosacral treatment works by stimulating and influencing the cranial rhythm which improves the flow of the lymphatic system fluid, alleviating the patient’s symptoms. It focuses on these specific systems, is gentle but potent restoring balance, building energy and healing itself.

Why visit our osteopathy clinic in Chalfont?
At Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy, our osteopath’s are not only extensively trained in osteopathic medicine and registered with the General Osteopathic Council, they are also trained in a wide variety of evidence based osteopathic related disciplines such as The Perrin Technique trained by Dr Ray Perrin himself, craniosacral therapy and traditional osteopathy. We specialise in using an integrated, whole body, holistic approach aiming to address and treat the underlying root cause of a patient’s health issues and symptoms rather than aiming to solely provide temporary relief from symptoms and specific isolated areas. This involves personalised treatment plans unique to the individual and ensures that once our patients are well they stay well without a relapse in their symptoms unless they over exert themselves causing additional strain or injury to the body. This unique approach to patient care combined with the experience of our osteopaths is what makes Rakhee Mediratta Osteopathy services of the highest quality. Our patients’ complete health and wellbeing is our top priority.
Success Stories
I have been suffering from severe CFS, Fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease and neurological symptoms for more than 10 years.
I have seen over 25 doctors and practitioners trying numerous and varied treatments in the past but nothing seemed to help; my health continued to deteriorate until I discovered Rakhee, The Perrin Technique, Craniosacral Therapy and Neuro-Lymphatic Drainage.
After visiting Rakhee
Within 3-6 months I gradually became able to walk instead of needing to use a wheelchair. Over time my energy levels and strength have continued to improve so I am now able to live independently after depending on full time care for over 6 years. The neurological treatment has improved my symptoms so much that I am now managing to work part time after 10 years of being unable to work.
I have seen more than 10 other practitioners for fatigue but feel like Rakhee has helped me the most due to her level of understanding and extensive experience treating Lyme Disease, chronic pain and neurological disorders. She has been the best investment for my health and worth every penny spent. I highly recommend Rakhee for anyone struggling with these conditions. Rakhee and the treatments have completely changed my life.
- Patient -

Rakhee always makes me feel at ease with her knowledge and experience. I always look forward to our sessions and feel I am in safe hands! She has a lot of experience treating patients with Fibromyalgia and understands the complexity of these conditions. She always explains everything to me and offers helpful advice. She has really helped me with my recovery so far.