Rakhee Mediratta
Central & West London ~ Chalfont

Rakhee has helped over 5,000+ patients in 17 years
Registered Osteopath & Advanced Licensed Perrin Technique Practitioner in London & South East England
for Chronic Fatigue/ME & Fibromyalgia

About Alison Kelly
Registered Osteopath
About Alison
Alison was born in London and she also graduated from the British School of Naturopathy and Osteopathy (now the British College of Osteopathic Medicine) in 1986. Alison is fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council and is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy. She also has a Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine.
Alison has over 20 years of experience working with a diverse range of patients. Over the years, Alison has worked at many clinics in various parts of the UK and she has a wealth of experience in treating patients of all ages and all levels of fitness. Whilst working in Lancashire she completed the Perrin Technique training with Dr Raymond Perrin. She then went on to treat patients referred by Dr Perrin from The Perrin Clinic in Manchester. Alison has 4 and a half years experience of working with the Perrin Technique.
Alison has a Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling Skills and she has completed the Cruse training in bereavement counselling. She has completed the Sutherland Cranial College module 2/3 Osteopathy in the Cranial Field and also the Upledger Craniosacral Therapy Level 1 training.
Some of the conditions that Alison enjoys treating are:
Chronic Fatigue (CFS)/ME.
Postural/work related neck and shoulder aches/pain.
Stress related musculoskeletal problems.
Osteoarthritis/wear and tear/stiffness.
Joint aches and pain during pregnancy.